I discovered a version of this wonderful salad while traveling through Costa Rica and tweaked it to my tastes. Fresh, crisp and slightly sweet this salad has a delicate citrus dressing that wouldn’t be the same without the dill, I know because I once forgot the dill and couldn’t figure out why my salad sucked so much!
This is also my most requested salad by friends and family – I hope you enjoy it!
Pear Endive Salad
Serves 2-4

½ fresh Pear cubed
Juice of 1 Orange
3 tablespoons diced dried Papaya Spears (approx. 1 spear)
2 teaspoons fresh chopped Dill
1½ tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar
1½ teaspoons Olive Oil
1 teaspoon Honey
⅛ teaspoon Sea Salt
1 Endive
1 Head Green Lettuce
For the dressing:
Squeeze one Orange into a large salad bowl, stir in Dill, Apple Cider Vinegar, Olive Oil, Honey, Sea Salt. Add diced dried Papaya and Pear, allow to soak in dressing for 5-10 min to absorb flavor and soften papaya.
When you are ready to serve chop the Green Lettuce and Endive. Add to Dressing and toss. Serve immediately as lettuce sitting in dressing for long will get soggy. Enjoy!
I use low sugar, unsulfured Papaya Spears, but if you can only find sweetened papaya then use less honey in the dressing. Also, the papaya is dried for texture, fresh papaya does not give the same result.